David Tromans, 1950s

St. Kenelm's C.E. Primary School, Romsley
Centenary Celebrations
1915 - 2015

Memories of Mr David Tromans - Pupil – 1950s


A few memories from the 1950s:-

  • The classroom quiz - the whole class standing around the wall in a line, while Miss Davis fired out questions. The first one to answer the question came to the front of the line. Ruth was always at the front while I was always near the end!
  • Talking, general messing about, being caught prodding the boy (or girl) in the desk in front. This usually resulted in a sharp smack with a 12 inch ruler across the hand. Miss Davis was a powerful woman - it hurt .......and I was only little then!
  • Rounders in the school playing fields in summer (it was always summer in my young memory). Scraping up the grass after it was cut to make a den at the bottom of the field.
  • The lunch time crocodile across the road and down to the Church Hall for lunch -where if it was your final year and 11 + exam time you had to sit next to Miss Davis, who bombarded you with exam questions - not good for the digestion of a10 year old.
  • The school "orchestra" in the hall comprising mainly recorders, cymbals, triangles and drum. We enjoyed it - but it must have been hell for anyone with a musical ear.