Joyce Hackett, 1960s

St. Kenelm's C.E. Primary School, Romsley

Centenary Celebrations

1915 - 2015

Memories of Mrs Joyce Hackett - Parent - late 1960s


When my son Nigel started school around 1966 he refused to sit down in class. I clearly remember staring through the window and seeing him standing by Mr Ruddick's side. He would not move from there and Mr Ruddick was so kind and tolerant. He just let him take his time to settle and eventually he grew to enjoy school and he just loved all his teachers

This was such a different experience to my own. When I started school I was very nervous and wanted to take my favourite doll with me for comfort. The teacher had no sympathy and just locked the doll away in a cupboard for the whole day. Such a different attitude to that shown by the staff at St. Kenelm's.