I am pleased to report that the membership of the Society continues to flourish.
Our Annual Dinner was held on the 13th June at Churchill and Blakedown Golf Club and my thanks go to our member Dr. Michael Hall for being our speaker for the evening.
The Annual Summer trip, bathed in sunshine, was a very informative guided tour of Wightwick Manor followed by a walk around the grounds.
Our Secretary, June, has once again given us a very good selection of speakers for the year. Robert Andrews has now taken over the role of booking speakers and has now booked a varied selection of speakers for 2015/2016.
Our President, Julian Hunt, continues to work tirelessly in his quest to research the history of the villages of Romsley and Hunnington, and provides information for the continuation of the Wills and Court Rolls team meetings. The Wills project continues with indexing all the information and my thanks go to the team for their continued support with this project.
I would also like to thank Julian for his financial contributions to the society from the many lectures he has given to other groups.
My thanks to June Humphreys for her hard work over the many years she has been Secretary, and although she is retiring from this position I am so pleased she will continue to be the Website Co-ordinator.
Our thanks to Jean Cockin for her continuing work interviewing residents of the villages and recording their memories.
My personal thanks to all committee members and helpers who contribute to the continuing success of the society, and, of course, to the members who attend on a monthly basis.
Paul Share, Chairman, 26th May 2015
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Website by Writing the Past. For technical queries contact the Webmaster.
Some contents of this website are taken from the book Romsley and Hunnington, a Millennium History,
written by Joe Hunt and Julian Hunt and published by the Parish Councils of Romsley and Hunnington, in association with the RHHS.
Please respect the copyright of our work and do not reproduce any of the information published on this website without permission.