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Programme 2015-16

Our meeting season for 2015-16:

Autumn 2015
• 22 September - The Battle of Evesham. Paul Harding & Helen Lee. Read the Meeting Report
• 27 October - Stolen Lives - Individual Tragedies of the Great War. Andrew Hamilton. Read the Meeting Report
• 24 November - The English Civil War in Bewdley, Kidderminster and Worcester. Max Keen. Meeting Report

• 23 February - The Restoration of the Cupola and Renewing of the Roof Coverings at Hanbury Hall, Derek Clarke. Meeting Report
• 22 March - Black Country Churches. Tim Bridges, Conservation Adviser for Birmingham & the West Midlands and the Church Buildings Support Officer for the Diocese of Hereford. Meeting Report
• 26 April - You Can't Abdicate and Eat It: Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson, Mary Bodfish. Meeting Report
• 24 May - The Society's AGM followed by Celebrating 50 Years of Romsley & Hunnington History Society. Julian Hunt and Ruth Harper. Meeting Report and Additional Information
• 28 June - Dayhouse Bank. Julian Hunt  Meeting Report
• 3 Jul - Musical Performance of the 'Ballad of St Kenelm'. Concert Report and Background Information



Click the links to read reports from the 2015 AGM and other meetings during the 2014-15 season, including the special meeting in June 2015 for the school centenary, and the summer outing to Kidderminster Carpet Museum.


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Website by Writing the Past. For technical queries contact the Webmaster.

Some contents of this website are taken from the book Romsley and Hunnington, a Millennium History,
written by Joe Hunt and Julian Hunt and published by the Parish Councils of Romsley and Hunnington, in association with the RHHS.

Please respect the copyright of our work and do not reproduce any of the information published on this website without permission.