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Meetings Programme 2013-14

  • Our meeting season for 2013/14 starts on 24th September when Mark Clifford, Project Officer at Avoncroft Museum, will talk to us on 'The Development of a Nailor's Cottage from the 1840s to 2013'.
  • On 22nd October, Michael Hall has kindly agreed to update us on the Court Rolls project undertaken by Matt Tompkins, in 'What the Court Rolls Tell Us - A Progress Report'.
  • On November 26, Julian Hunt will be giving us the Romsley story - 'The Newcomers - Moving to Romsley 1920-1975'. 
  • There will be no meeting in January 2014 and a meeting has been added at the end of June instead.
  • On 25th February Chris Upton is going to tell us about 'The Birmingham Priestley Riots of 1791'. In the 18th century Birmingham became notorious for rioting, apparently.  NEW: Read the Meeting Report
  • Paul Harding and Helen Lee are coming back to see us on 25th March. This time their subject is what a Georgian Lifestyle was like. Helen tells me the talk will cover how they lived, lighting, cooking, new discoveries, newspapers and hot chocolate. NEW: Read the Meeting Report
  • Emma Hancox, Archivist and Archaeologist from Worcester, will be giving us a talk on The Archaeology of Redditch New Town on 22nd April. Emma is the Historic Environment Policy and Advisory Manager for Worcestershire County Council and her main interest lies in the archaeology and history of north west Worcestershire. NEW: Read the Meeting Report
  • Our AGM will be on the 27th May 2014 followed by Photographs of Halesowen in the 1960s by John and Brian Tromans. NEW: Read the Meeting Report
  • The final talk of the season will be on 24th June: The English Civil War in Bewdley, Kidderminster & Worcester by Max Keen, dressed as a Civil War officer.  Meeting was postponed. Read the replacement meeting report on The Edwardian Age

Full details of our programme here.

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Website by Writing the Past. For technical queries contact the Webmaster.

Some contents of this website are taken from the book Romsley and Hunnington, a Millennium History,
written by Joe Hunt and Julian Hunt and published by the Parish Councils of Romsley and Hunnington, in association with the RHHS.

Please respect the copyright of our work and do not reproduce any of the information published on this website without permission.