Programme 2024/25

Our monthly meetings are held in the Church Hall, Romsley, starting at 7.30pm:


  • 24 September 2024: Alms Houses – A home for the poor. Speaker: Ned Williams 
  • 22 October 2024: Sir William Marshall: England's Greatest Knight. Speaker: Max Keen
  • 26 November 2024:  Worcestershire Medal Service, Bromsgrove. Speaker: Karen Cook
    (Gladman & Norman, bespoke medal & enamel craftsmen since 1910)



  • 25 February 2025: Eleanor of Aquitaine. Speaker: Howard Robinson
  • 25 March 2025: Surnames: Their history and meanings. Speaker: Richard Churchley
  • 22 April 2025: To Murder a Priest: The Popish Plot and Worcestershire. Speaker: Douglas Smith
  • 27 May 2025: A.G.M. followed by Jean Cockin – A Journey into Egypt 2009
  • 24 June 2025: Defiance, Drama and Dominoes: Prisoners of war in Britain during the French Revolution. Speaker: Professor Kate Astbury, University of Warwick
  • 28 September 2025: The Sinking of the Titanic. Speaker: Paul & Helen Harding
  • 28 October 2025: The Visit of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams to the Leasowes and Hagley Hall. Speaker: Julian Hunt
  • 25 November 2025: From Christmas Past to Christmas Present. Speaker: Mary Bodfish


For the latest local history events across the county see the Worcestershire Local History Forum website.


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Website by Writing the Past. For technical queries contact the Webmaster.

Some contents of this website are taken from the book Romsley and Hunnington, a Millennium History,
written by Joe Hunt and Julian Hunt and published by the Parish Councils of Romsley and Hunnington, in association with the RHHS.

Please respect the copyright of our work and do not reproduce any of the information published on this website without permission.